Thorough, in-depth, leaving no area uncovered, 7 Speed Reading reaches into the very core of the principles of speed-reading, and pulls out some real learning gems. New on the market, 7 Speed Reading is packed with priceless study techniques, lessons, and tutorials that go far beyond the scope of other similar products in the marketplace. One company taking the lead in this new boom of interest shown in the skill-set once advocated by such luminaries as Burt Lancaster, Jimmy Carter, and even the great ground-breaking JFK, is Australia-based eReflect and its’ 7 Speed Reading software. Why? Because people around the world are realizing that they need to be bale to read faster if they are want to be able to keep up with the modern world, and its ever-increasing speed. Everyone is doing it, from the High School student to the University Professor, the Wall Street banker to the A-List celebrity, even mums, and dads, and your Grandma.

Speed Reading is all the rage at the moment.